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segunda-feira, março 08, 2010

Renting an apartment

26.02.2010Compreensão de Texto

O texto de hoje é sobre uma pessoa que está procurando apartamento para alugar.

[Jessie] Hi, I'm calling about the apartments for rent.

[Manager] Sure. What kind of apartment are you interested in?

[Jessie] A two-bedroom. Do you have any available?

[Manager] Well, I have plenty of one-bedroom apartments available. I have one two-bedroom that's still occupied, but the tenant's moving out in two days. When do you need it?

[Jessie] Sometime around next week would be fine.

[Manager] Next week the unit will be empty. It's yours if you want it.

[Jessie] What's the apartment like?

[Manager] Well, it's got two bedrooms, the living room and the bedrooms have hardwood floors and very large windows. The monthly rent is $960, with a $450 security deposit. Both the heat and stove are gas. You pay electricity only, gas and water are included.

[Jessie] Excellent. Does it come furnished?

[Manager] Nope, unfurnished.

[Jessie] Does it include a parking space?

[Manager] Sure thing. You'll be assigned a sheltered parking space at no additional charge.

[Jessie] Sounds good. What about the neighborhood, is it quiet enough?

[Manager] It depends on what you call "enough". On weekends it can get a little noisy, but during the week it's definitely more on the quiet side. The residents are very friendly and respectful of each other and they usually keep the noise to a minimum.

[Jessie] Great! Can I come over tomorrow and have a look?

[Manager] Sure, if you don't mind that there are people still living in it.

[Jessie] That's fine by me. How about 9 AM?

[Manager] Good. May I have your name?

[Jessie] Jessie.

[Manager] Jessie. I'll see you tomorrow.


rent = aluguel, alugar

a two-bedroom (apartment) = um apartamento de dois quartos

plenty of = muitos

What's ... like? = Como é ......?

tenant = inquilino

furnished = mobiliado

both the heat and stove = tanto o aquecedor quanto o fogão

sure thing = com certeza

hardwood floors = piso de madeira

security deposit = quantia paga no início e devolvida quando o inquilino sair do imóvel, se este for deixado em boas condições

a sheltered parking space = uma vaga coberta para o carro

it can get noisy = (lit.) pode ficar barulhento; (aprox.) às vezes é barulhento

more on the quiet side = mais para quieto

keep (something) to a minimum = tentam fazer/manter (alguma coisa) o mínimo possível


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