A voz passiva em inglês é bem mais usada que em português. Uma das razões é porque em inglês não existe sujeito indeterminado, e a voz passiva exerce essa função.
A voz passiva se constrói da seguinte maneira:
sujeito + verbo to be + verbo principal no particípioA voz passiva se constrói da seguinte maneira:
Para passarmos uma frase da voz ativa para a voz passiva, devemos observar primeiramente em que tempo verbal se encontra o verbo principal da frase. O verbo to be na voz passiva estará no tempo em que o verbo principal estiver na voz ativa.
(simple present) The boy eats the cake. - The cake is eaten by the boy.
(present continuous) The boy is eating the cake. - The cake is being eaten by the boy.
(simple past) The boy ate the cake. - The cake was eaten by the boy.
(past continuous) The boy was eating the cake. - The cake was being eaten by the boy.
(present perfect) The boy has eaten the cake. - The cake has been eaten by the boy.
(past perfect) The boy had eaten the cake. - The cake had been eaten by the boy.
(future [will]) The boy will eat the cake. - The cake will be eaten by the boy.
(future [going to]) The boy is going to eat the cake. - The cake is going to be eaten by the boy.
(future conditional) The boy would eat the cake. - The cake would be eaten by the boy.
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by : Wysnna
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