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segunda-feira, setembro 20, 2010

Texto - Inglês Instrumental (Vestibular Covest - 2009)

Gentle Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is murder on turkeys
…But it doesn’t have to be!
Turkeys are too neat to eat
Turkeys are intelligent, inquisitive and social animals. Yet, many people do not think to turn their compassion towards them. Turkeys are flock birds that can fly up to 50mph, and even swim if necessary. As mothers, turkeys are among the most protective in the world and their young remain under their care for up to five months.
The farm is no treat for those you eat
Each year about 300 million turkeys are killed for food. Like other animals raised for food, turkeys are severely confined, mutilated and slaughtered. Turkeys are reared motherless on factory farms. They are forcefully inseminated, crowded in small cages, and injected with growth-promoting antibiotics. Even “free-range” turkeys endure a horrific slaughterhouse end.
There’s plenty to eat without eating meat
Thanksgiving is a celebration of life. We ask you to take the death out of dinner and make this Thanksgiving a Gentle Thanksgiving. Share the joy and plenty of healthy breads, stuffings, vegetables, fruits and desserts.
We also recommend meat-alternatives such as Tofurky ( or Field Roast ( These meat-alternatives help make compassionate, delicious meals!
Contact us for a Free Veg Starter Kit – 888-FARM-USA
(Disponível em: - Acessado em 14 de março de 2009.)

01. This pamphlet produced by Animal Rights activists advertises
a) turkeys should have a decent death.
b) against the preservation of turkeys’ lives.
c) about the cruelty that goes on in turkey farms.
d) everyone who kills animals should be punished.
e) Thanksgiving is a nonsense holiday.

02. The authors argue that turkeys
a) can only grow when they use antibiotics.
b) make better meat-alternatives than Field-roast.
c) are able to fly at an altitude of 50 meters.
d) are not to be eaten due to their neatness.
e) should be better treated in factory farms.

03. The activists invite readers to have a Gentle Thanksgiving. That means
a) substituting turkey for other types of food which could make better meals.
b) people should eat less turkey because they are social animals.
c) turkeys should have the opportunity to have their mothers around in factory farms.
d) we should stop thinking about death and all that is related to it.
e) turkeys will always be a fine treat at this well celebrated national holiday.

04. Turkeys are flock birds. That means they live
a) in small cages.
b) each by himself.
c) in the wild.
d) severely confined.
e) in groups.

5 comentários:

Camila Brito disse...

Já peguei o texto viu professor :)
Até a prooooxima aula!

Anônimo disse...


Looking forward to your next post

Anônimo disse...

Great post, I am almost 100% in agreement with you

Anônimo disse...

Good Afternoon

Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!

Anônimo disse...

Hi - I am certainly happy to find this. cool job!

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